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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Mathematical Modeling of Security Issues of WLAN’s using Space Time Processing in DSPAhmad Hweishel A.Alfarjat; H S Sheshadri; Hanumanthappa J.
2016Design of Multiplier for Medical Image Compression Using Urdhava Tiryakbhyam SutraSuma; V Sridhar
2016Multiple Features from Palm Region to Enhance the Performance of Biometric Verification SystemAnitha. M. L.; Anitha. M. L.
2016An Exhaustive Research Survey on Vedic ALU DesignManjunath K M; K N Muralidhara; Manasa K Chigateri; Manjuvani K M
2016A Survey on the Atmospheric Effects on Radio Path Loss in Cellular Mobile Communication SystemHanchinal C S; K N Muralidhara
2016Design of Scalable Approximate DCT Architectures for Video Coding ApplicationPRAGATHI N MURTHY; K N MURALIDARA
2016Advanced Encryption Standard Implementation Using Truly Random Number GenerationPOORNIMA PRASAD M G; MURLIDHARA K N
2016Denoising of Rician noise in Magnitude MRI Images using wavelet shrinkage and fusion methodAnjanappa. C; H S Sheshadri
2016Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using Rule based ApproachS. R. Bhagya Shree; H S Sheshadri; Muralikrishna
2016Denoising of Diffusion Weighted Images Using Statistical Based Method: An Extension of Joint LMMSE ApproachAnjanappa C; H S Sheshadri
2016Fusion of Finger Inner Knuckle Print and Hand Geometry Features to Enhance the Performance of Biometric Virification SystemAnitha M. L; Radhakrishna Rao K. A.
2016Image Steganography using LSB, LSB+Huffman Code, and LSB+Arithmetic CodeWa'elWa'el Ibrahim A. Almazaydeh; H S Sheshadri
2016Efficient Segmentation and Detection of Object in Complex and Crowded SceneN.S Bindu; H S Sheshadri
2015RLTS Recommendation for Local Transportation System using Ambient IntelligenceM Subramanyam; K. N. Ashwath kumar
2014A Novel Ultra Wide Band Radar Absorber with Reduced Thickness for Circular PolarizationChandrika Sudhendra; Madhu AR; Aswathy Sasidharan; TS Rukmini; KARK Rao
2013Visual Cryptography in Internet Voting SystemRajendra A B; H S Sheshadri
2014Design and Implementation of A Novel Rasorber for Aircraft Stealth ApplicationsChandrika Sudhendra; Madhu AR; Gayathri Shekar
2011Neuro Fuzzy Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc NetworksA. Siddesh Gundagatti Karibasappa; K N Muralidhara
2015Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease employing Neuropsychological and classification techniquesH S Sheshadri; S. R. Bhagya Shree; Muralikrishna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33